European Virgin Hair

high quality hair system

This particular type has unequaled aesthetic features that makes it the best choice in beauty and also the best solution in long-time view. An unfortunate truth is that many companies will take advantage of people in a fragile state by offering products online.Often they provide simple coloured hair at the price of hight-quality virgin European hair.
The experience gained in over 12 years of research and selection of European Virgin Hair allows us to guarantee our customers an unsurpassed quality.

We provide our high quality hair system with Virgin European Hair, Indian Remy, Remy extra or synthetic hair if desired.

We recommend the use of European Virgin Hair because:

  • you get a better aesthetic result (soft and silky hair, easier to comb, natural-looking, etc;
  • you maintain this qualities and a healthy-looking hair for long time.

Virgin European Hair after one year of use or more, has a better quality than 2-3 weeks old Indian Remy Hair.

European virgin hair has unparalleled aesthetic characteristics are the best and most appreciated in Italy, because, for obvious reasons of geographical belonging, they are the most similar to the average European hair and to the Italian hair. This hair is characterized by being straight or slightly wavy and by being usually streaked, or with the tips typically lighter than the roots. Another feature of European hair is that it comes in numerous shades of color, from blond to brown, which is not the case with Indian or Chinese hair. European hair does not need any chemical treatment, it can be used as it is, natural.

Comparing different hair types

Talking about European, Italian, Sicilian, Spanish, Russian hair etc., if “virgin” is not specified, there is any guaranty of the real nature of the hair.By the way, even hair from the rest of the world, if not chemically treated and maintained in their natural colour, provide excellent quality.

Directing our offer to European customers, our continent is the best area of virgin hair collection, especially for the wide variety of available colours, unlike Asia where the predominant colours are black and dark brown.

Also with regard to the hair thickness and the curls, those of European origin assimilate more naturally with the remaining hair that the customer has not lost. (Thin Indian hair are too wavy, Chinese once are too thick and straight)

Caution: only if “virgin hair” is specified in the purchase proposal or in the contract you may be sure to buy guaranteed quality.

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Let us show you the high-quality variety of options available in our centre, we take the time to answer to your question and find the better solution for a more comfortable, natural you.

Solve now your aesthetics hair problem get in touch with the HRS centre next to you
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